Thursday, October 2, 2014

Letter Project Reflection

1. I feel that drawing the outline of the figure was quiet difficult and took the longest amount of time, as i constantly had to erase and redraw certain parts. I enjoyed the amount of time we had in class to work on it by first creating 20 thumbnail sketches to generate ideas. By doing this it helped me grasp onto the idea of Mermaids and the Ocean's colors. When i began to use the watercolor, i loved painting the tail different shades of blue and green to emphasize the Oceans vibrant shades.

2. I've always admired Mermaids, ever since i was as little as i can remember. Mermaids have always been a representation of beauty and vibrancy. I love the shape of the letter "S" so i derived my idea by thinking about what forms could make "S", and Mermaids had popped into my head. I have always drawn Mermaids, so this type of pose seemed perfect for the Mermaid to make to form the letter. The way that her tail curves at the bottom and her hair flows up to form the top section of "S".

3. The most challenging part of this project was the watercoloring. Although i enjoy watercolor very much, i am still working on my techniques. I did mess up a few times around the face area, and that is something i would like to improve on- details.

4. I am satisfied with my project, although i feel that i should have spent more time on the watercolor, i like how the colors on the tail came out.

5. I would definitely try to change the background or add something to it in order to make it blend in or match with the image in some way.

Here is the final product (I took a picture of the before, but it got deleted somehow on my phone):


  1. I really like your project. i thought about using a mermaid for my letter project as well but in the end, i didn't. I really like how to used watercolor to make the ocean feeling and make everything flow like it is really underwater.

  2. I really like your letter because for as long as I've known you you've had like an interest in mermaids so I really like that you incorporated it into your artwork, especially the way that you did!

  3. I love the color you chose because it's not just different hues of blue. But if you had more time, how would you add to your project?

  4. Majestic feeling. I love how you use green and blue to emphasize the color of the sea and the beauty of mermaids.

  5. I very like your design of mermaid and it look beautiful. The different colors of green and blue definitely relates to the sea and the environment that mermaid live in. If you have a similar project next time, you should try using color pencil or water color pencil, so you can add more details to the face and test it to see if there is any differences comparing to the watercolor

  6. This is really cool! I like how realistic you made the mermaid. If you could go back in time, what other materials would you use?

  7. I really like the colors you chose! The different greens and blues go really well together. What made you choose to draw lines for the background instead of mixing the colors together? It's cool that you chose to do a mermaid design- I remember you recommending me mermaid books to read in elementary school!

  8. Love Love Love Love!!!! your project is sooo nicee like i want to keep it lol. I love the concept of it it's so creative. I especially like how you made the hair flow and how you made that the start of the S. This reminds me of the little mermaid. It would of been cool if you used glitter for the tail possibility (blue/green glitter) -just a suggestion (:

  9. Your design is awesome!. I like how you used the mermaids' whole body and hair to form your letter. I also like how you didn't completely color/paint your background but left some parts white, unlike most people.

  10. I think this is the most original design for the letter S. You can see that the mermaid is making the S with her body, but at the same time its so subtle and natural looking. This piece is beautiful and sexy. Do you think maybe changing your material, such as the media or paper, would have made it less difficult?

  11. When I first saw this project I thought it was gonna be a mermaid like Ariel, the disney princess. I love the watercolor texture and the effect seems like water flow so it really fit with the theme. I also love the shape of the hair because it looks like hair and it was shaped like an "S" it's just perfect. I also like the different shades of green and blue because everyone knows water is always different types of colors and shades. One thing I want to know is what was your biggest struggle?

  12. Good stuff I really liked that you were one of the few to do it in watercolor very interesting choice .

  13. The form of the mermaid is awesome because you made it really look like an s without distorting the mermaid at all. I do agree that it would be cool if you added to the background.

  14. I think your final project was absolutely amazing. I think was i enjoyed most about your project was the use of the colors green and blue and how you contrasted them. I really think this enhanced your final and made it appealing to the eye. How do you think using the colors pink and purple rather than blue and green would have made this project different?
